How do I make the User Profiles Not Used in 60 Days Security Check-up Report use a different value f (NETIQKB50263)

  • 7750263
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 13-Jul-2007


How do I make the User Profiles Not Used in 60 Days Security Check-up Report use a different value for the number of days?

I want to see the user profiles not used in a specified number of days.

NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries 8.0

PSAudit 8.0


NetIQ PTF 1A03003 resolves an issue where the Security Check-up report did not allow you to modify the number of days specified in the User Profiles Not Used in 60 Days report.

To change the number of days used in the User Profiles Not Used in 60 Days Security Check-up Report:

  1. Load and apply PTF 1A03003 for NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries 8.0.
  2. If you have a PSSecure license, edit file AAPF01 in library PSAUDIT by typing DBA PSAUDIT/AAPF01 on the command line and pressing Enter.
    1. Type 2 in the Opt field next to the record where PGM01 is AACL80U8 and press Enter.
    2. In the TIT01 field, update the report title with the new specified number of days.
    3. In the MAXC01 field, type the new specified number of days.
    4. In the MAXD01 field, type the new specified number of days.
    5. In the TX101 field, type the new specified number of days.
    6. Press Enter.
  3. If you do not have a PSSecure license, type the following commands on the iSeries command line pressing Enter after each:
    2. PSRUNSQL REQUEST('update PSAUDIT/AAPF01 set TIT01 = ''User Profiles not used in NN days'', MAXC01 = 0NN, MAXD01 = ''last NN days'', TX101 = ''User Profiles that have not been used in the last NN days on the system.'' where PGM01 = ''AACL80U8''')

      where NN is the new specified number of days used in the report.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB50263