How do I determine the version of Analysis Center without using the console? (NETIQKB50119)

  • 7750119
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 09-Nov-2010


NetIQ Analysis Center 2.x


How do I determine the version of Analysis Center without using the console?


Analysis Center stores the version number in two places that are accessible without using the console:

  • The UserSettings.xml file records the version number when you last installed, but the file does not change when you upgrade.
  • The rSecuredCntxProperty table in the AC_Configuration database records the version and build number for the product you have, whether it was a fresh installation or an upgrade.

To look up the version number of your last fullinstallation in UserSettings.XML:

  1. Browse to \Documents and Settings\netiq\Local Settings\Application Data\NetIQ\Analysis Center Console\UserSettings.XML.
  2. Find the <PROPERTY Name="VERSION" Value="> tag. The value is the version number of the last full install.
  3. If you need the build number, use the following table:

Version Build Number
2.7.5 2.7.579.0
2.7 SP1 2.7.405.0
2.7 2.7.305.0
2.5 2.5.717.0
2.0 SP 1a 2.00.65054.1029
2.0 SP 1 2.00.65054.1018
2.0 (no SP) 2.00.65054.0

To look up your current version and build number from the rSecuredCntxProperty table:

  1. Run the following query on the rSecuredCntxProperty table in the AC_Configuration database:

    select * from rSecuredCntxProperty (nolock) where Name like ('%Version%')

  2. Find the Assembly attributes to see the release and build numbers.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB50119