How do I compile a list of domain controllers for a specific domain in DRA? (NETIQKB50064)

  • 7750064
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 20-Jun-2007


How do I compile a list of domain controllers for a specific domain in DRA?

Can I use the command line to show a list of all the domain controllers within a single domain?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x


Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) uses a standard Microsoft API to determine the domain controllers (DCs) for any given domain. That API is used when the DRA service starts. NetIQ also offers an enhanced executable, NetIQKB50064_DsGetDc.Exe, that mimics the behavior of DRA to generate a list of domain controllers from any given domain where it is run. The NetIQKB50064_DsGetDc.Exe file is available at the following location:

To compile a list of domain controllers for a domain:

  1. Download the NetIQKB50064_DsGetDc.Exe file to a DC in the domain for which you want a list of domain controllers.
  2. Make a backup copy of the DsGetDc.exe utility located in the Program Files\NetIQ\DRA folder.
  3. Copy the enhanced executable file NetIQKB50064_DsGetDc.Exe to the Program Files\NetIQ\DRA folder.
  4. Open a command prompt, change to the DRA folder, and run the following command:

    DsGetDc Domain_Name /dclist

This command returns information about the configuration of the current DC and a list of domain controllers in the domain.

To use the same command, but send the results to a text file named DCList.txt at the root of C:, enter the following:

DsGetDc Domain_Name /dclist >C:\DCList.txt

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB50064