How do I recover my existing custom reports, queries, and audit history after upgrading to Directory and Resource Administrator 7.5?
Does upgrading preserve my existing custom reports, queries, and audit history?
How do I migrate custom queries, custom reports, and audit history?
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
After upgrading to DRA 7.5, audit history, custom reports, and custom queries are missing.
During the upgrade, the upgrade process moves existing reporting files from the Reporting folder to a folder called OldReporting.
You can copy and paste the custom reports and queries from the old OaRept.mdb Access database file to the new OaRept.mdb Access database file. To view historic audit data, run reports from your new DRA installation against the database from the old installation.
To migrate custom queries:
Start Microsoft Access from the Microsoft Office program group.
Open the OaRept.mdb file in the
installation folder\NetIQ\DRA\Reporting
folder.Open the OaRept.mdb file in the
installation folder\NetIQ\DRA\OldReporting
folder.Enter Design Mode in both databases.
In the left panel of the old database, click Queries.
Select a custom query.
Right click the query, and then click Copy.
In the left panel of the new database, click Queries.
Right click the right panel, and then click Paste.
Repeat Steps 5 through 9 for each custom query.
Save the new OaRept.mdb file.
To migrate custom reports:
Start Microsoft Access from the Microsoft Office program group.
Open the OaRept.mdb file in the
installation folder\NetIQ\DRA\Reporting
folder.Open the OaRept.mdb file in the
installation folder\NetIQ\DRA\OldReporting
folder.Enter Design Mode in both databases.
In the left panel of the old database, click Reports.
Select a custom report.
Right click the report, and then click Copy.
In the left panel of the new database, click Reports.
Right click the right panel, and then click Paste.
Repeat Steps 5 through 9 for each custom report.
Save the new OaRept.mdb file.
To connect to the old database to view historic audit history:
Log on to the Account and Resource Management Console computer.
Start the Account and Resource Management Console.
Click Select Import Database on the File menu.
Browse to the location of the old database, and then select the database file.
Click Open.
Click OK.
Run your operation and usage history reports against the old database to view historic data.