How do I specify a preferred domain controller for use in Directory and Resource Administrator? (NETIQKB49836)

  • 7749836
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


How do I specify a preferred domain controller for use in Directory and Resource Administrator?

What is the benefit of specifying a preferred domain controller?

How do I configure my DRA servers to make all write changes to a particular DC?

How does DRA choose a domain controller if I do not specify a preferred DC?

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x

Directory and Resource Administrator 8.0


You can configure each Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) server to make all read/write changes to a specific domain controller for each managed domain. Specifying a preferred domain controller can be particularly beneficial if your organization is based on sites. Each DRA server across a WAN can bind to and make write changes to its site's nearest (or preferred) domain controller. Or, you can configure all DRA servers to use the same preferred domain controller, such as the PDC emulator.

If you do not specify a preferred domain controller, DRA automatically connects to a domain controller in the managed domain based on which domain controller answers a general API call first when the domain is added as a Managed Domain.

Perform the following steps on each DRA server.

To specify a preferred domain controller:

  1. Launch the Delegation and Configuration console with an account that is, at a minimum, a member of the DRA Admins group.
  2. Expand Configuration Management and select Managed Domains.
  3. For each domain that the DRA server manages, complete the following steps:
    1. Right-click the domain and click Properties.
    2. On the General tab under Connect to domain controller, browse to and select the preferred domain controller for this domain and click OK.
    3. Click OK again to save and exit.
    4. When you select a different domain controller, the console displays the following warning message: "Changing the preferred domain controller for this domain causes a full accounts cache refresh. Would you like to change the preferred domain controller?" Click Yes.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB49836