How can I use the CLI to view group membership information for objects in domains that DRA does not (NETIQKB49705)

  • 7749705
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


How can I use the CLI to view group membership information for objects in domains that DRA does not manage?

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.5

When using the GROUP command in the DRA CLI , the CLI does not display group membership information for objects in domains DRA does not manage.


This issue is addressed in NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator and Exchange Administrator version 7.5 Hotfix 49705. 

Hotfix 49705 addresses an issue with displaying group membership information in the Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) Command-Line Interface (CLI). When you use the GROUP command in the DRA CLI to display group membership information, the DRA CLI displays only group members that are members of domains that DRA manages. If a group has group members in domains that are not managed by DRA, the GROUP command does not display these objects. This hotfix addresses this issue by adding a new ALLMEMBERS option to the GROUP command. This option specifies all objects the group contains, and includes objects in domains that DRA does not manage.

Note: This hotfix requires DRA version 7.5.

To download and install this hotfix:

  1. Close all DRA user interfaces.
  2. Run the DRA75000_Hotfix49705.msi file on each Administration server computer and on each computer where you installed the Account and Resource Management console or Delegation and Configuration console.

Hotfix 49705 modifies the EA.exe file on each computer where you installed the Administration server and on each computer where you installed the Account and Resource Management console or Delegation and Configuration console. By default, this file is located in the Program Files\NetIQ\DRA folder.

For more information, please contact NetIQ Technical Support at .

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB49705