NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
Calling the QDB stored procedure ForceJobDelete does not stop a job on an agent.
NetIQsync.exe is unable to stop a job that continues to run on an Agent, even though the Job is showing as stopped in the Operator Console.
The DataRejected table in the AppManager Repository is filling with data for a job that shows as Stopped in the AppManager Operator Console.
To find agents with orphaned jobs, you can use the TIME value returned in the DataRejected table of the AppManager Repository to search through the MS.log on your Management Server for job data that was passed to the DataRejected table by the MS at that time. Or you can search the MS.log for the JOBID of the job listed within the DataRejected table. Use the JobID value in the MS.log to determine which job in the Operator Console is still runnign on a given Agent.
In order to clear the job off of the Agent(s) manually, you will need to Cold Start the NetIQ AppManager Client Resource Monitor service on the affected Agent(s) using the -oa Startup Parameter. ** WARNING ** Cold Startingan Agent can result in some data loss.
If you are unable to determine which Agent is still running a job that is shown as Stopped in the AppManager Operator Console, contact NetIQ Technical Support and reference this article for further steps that you can take.
A job was stopped within the AppManager Operator Console, but due to communication problems, was not stopped on one or more Agents.
Additional Information
This fix will only work if the job is still listed as Stopped in the Operator Console, and has not yet been deleted from the Operator Console.