NetIQ Appmanager 6.x
NetIQ Appmanager 7.0.x
AMPP 4.1.2
If you do not want the WMI service to start and stop each time the Analytics_CompleteNTCounters job runs, then set the service to run automatically. Keep in mind that if the WMI service runs automatically, the service might consume additional system resources.
WMI is set to run manually. The WMI counter is one of the Performance Counters being pulled by the Analytics_CompleteNTCounters job. When the job runs, Windows starts the service to collect a counter value from PerfMon, which is then handed to the Analytics_CompleteNTCounters job. Windows will then stop the WMI service until the next time the job runs.
The default startup value for the WMI service was changed from automatic in Windows 2000 to manual in Windows 2003 to reduce the resources being used by this service.