Error: 'Failed to create the jobs, please check rplib.log file for more information!' (NETIQKB49350)

  • 7749350
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 02-Dec-2010


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager Operator Console


When creating a new job, by dragging a knowledge script onto an Agent object, the following error appears after clicking OK:
Error: 'Failed to create the jobs, please check rplib.log file for more information!'


To resolve this error, remove the selected Action knowledge script from the knowledge script properties.  If the Action is still required, either copy or check in the desired action script, then readd the Action knowledge script to the knowledge script Action properties.


The knowledge script being used has an Action knowledge script defined, which has previously been deleted from AppManager.

For example, a copy of the NT_FilesOpen knowledge script has the action knowledge script Action_CopyOfSMTPMail defined as an action.  However, the Action_CopyOfSMTPMail does not appear in the Action KS Category, as it had been deleted by a user.  When a job is attempted to be created using NT_FilesOpen, the operation fails with the error previously mentioned.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB49350