Cannot log on to Analysis Center. (NETIQKB49224)

  • 7749224
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 25-May-2011


NetIQ Analysis Center 2.x


Cannot log on to Analysis Center.
Error: 'Logon failed for user (null) Reason: not associated with a trusted SQLServer connection'


To solve the problem:

  1. Ensure the SQL Servers are using Mixed mode authentication and verify that the security credentials on the Data Source for the Data Mart properties is using a valid SQL account:
    a. In the Analysis Center console, expand to your Data Sources.
    b. Select the data source.
    c. Click Data Source> Properties.
    d. Select the Data Mart tab.
    e. Enter the SQL credentials.
    f. Click Apply.
    g. Allow 10 minutes for the credentials and Analysis Center to refresh.
  2. Confirm that the Enable Network DTC access is enabled on the Analysis Center component servers:
    a. Connect to the server hosting the Analysis Center Data Mart component.
    b. Go to Start> Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.
    c. Click Windows Components> Application Server> Details.
    d. Select Enable network DTC access.
    e. Click OK on both component screens to save the option set.
    f. Repeat steps a-e on the server where the Analysis Center Data Warehouse component is installed.


IIS has a known limitation that it cannot pass credentials over two network connections, also called a 'double-hop'. The attempt by Data Mart to make a trusted connection to validate the credentials used to connect to the Data Mart violates the 'double-hop' rule.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB49224