Directory and Resource Administrator 7.5
ActiveView rules created with the Command Line Interface (CLI) do not display the rule details when viewed with the Delegation and Configuration Console (DCC).
Details of rules created using the CLI do not display in ActiveViews in the Win32 Console.
DRA will only display details of ActiveView rules created using the CLI in the DCC.
When I create a rule for an ActiveView using the CLI and then select the ActiveView in the Win32 Delegation and Configuration console and view Rules, then choose to view the properties of the ActiveView and select Rules, I see the name of the rule but the details field will be blank.
Rules created using the CLI do not have the same properties as Rules created in the DCC and are treated differently by the GUI client.
This is a known issue that is scheduled to be resolved in the next release of Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA 8.0).
While this issue is not yet resolved, there is currently a workaround that allows you to view the details of an ActiveView rule even when the rule was created using the CLI.
To see the details of a rule created in the CLI:
- Expand Delegation Management > ActiveViews.
- In the list pane, right-click the appropriate ActiveView and select Properties.
- Click the Rules tab.
- Right-click the rule in question and select Modify Rule.
- Click Cancel. The Details field now shows the correct information.