Domain Migration Administrator 7.x
DMACLI ListTasks /Project: option returns "There are no saved actions for project".
The DMACLI command is improperly formed. Often a space between the /Project: switch and the "projectname" is the problem.
The project name you specified does not exist, is incorrectly spelled, or contains spaces.
To correct these errors:
- Ensure the DMACLI ListTasks/Project:projectname command does not have a space between ListTasks/Project: switch and the project name. See Example 1.
- Verify the correct spelling of the project name in the DMA console. If your project name includes spaces, enclose the project name in double quotes ("project name"). See Example 2.
- Correct and rerun the DMACLI ListTasks/Project:projectname command.
Example 1
Project name: NTtoAD2003
DMA command: DMACLI ListTasks/Project:NTtoAD2003
Example 2
Project name: NT to AD2003
DMA command: DMACLI ListTasks/Project:"NT to AD2003"
Always use double-quotes around project names that contain spaces.
For best results, complete all the tasks in the following Knowledge Base article before you run any DMACLI command:
How do I prepare or save a task to run with the Domain Migration Administrator Command Line Interface (CLI)?"