How do I prevent the cloning of the Exchange 5.5 Extension-Attributes 11-15 during a clone operation?
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.5
Unable to prevent Exchange 5.5 Extension-Attributes 11-15 from being cloned.
This issue is addressed in NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator and Exchange Administrator version 7.5 Hotfix 48948
Hotfix 48948 addresses an issue in Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) when cloning an Exchange 5.5 mailbox. When using the Account and Resource Management console or Delegation and Configuration console to clone a mailbox, you cannot set Exchange 5.5 custom attribute values for Extension-Attribute-11 through Extension-Attribute-15 to null. This hotfix corrects this issue by allowing you to set custom attributes for Extension-Attribute-11 through Extension-Attribute-15 to null when cloning an Exchange 5.5 mailbox.
Note: After you install this hotfix, create a trigger script to ensure any existing Exchange 5.5 custom attribute values from the source user mailbox are not copied to the cloned user mailbox. A sample trigger script for setting custom attribute values to null on the cloned user mailbox is provided below.
Note: This hotfix requires DRA version 7.5.
To download and install this hotfix:
- Close all DRA user interfaces.
- Stop the DRA Administration server service.
- Run the DRA75000_Hotfix48948.msi file on each DRA Administration server computer.
- Start the DRA Administration server service.
Hotfix 48948 modifies the following files on the Administration server computer:
- ExchProvider.dll
- McsExchLib.dll
By default, these files are located in the Program Files\NetIQ\DRA folder.
To set Exchange 5.5 custom attribute values to null on the cloned user mailbox, create a pre-task trigger and configure it to run during the UserCopy operation and/or MailboxCopy operation. The trigger script below provides an example of how to set the Exchange 5.5 Extension-Attribute-11 value to null on the cloned user mailbox using the UserCopy operation.
Function Main'***********************************************************************
' This trigger script performs the following task.
' This script is a pre-task trigger and can be associated with both UserCopy and MailboxCopy operations and sets the Extension-Attribute-11 to null. ''***********************************************************************
Main = False
sExt = ""
VarSet.Put "In.MailboxProperties.Extension-Attribute-11",sExt
Main = True
End Function
For more information, contact NetIQ Technical Support at .
For more information about implementing triggers, see "Automating Processes" in the DRA Administrator Guide.
For more information about writing trigger scripts, see the DRA SDK, available in the DRA installation kit.