Does Group Policy Administrator require File and Printer sharing? (NETIQKB48907)

  • 7748907
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 17-Apr-2008


Does Group Policy Administrator require File and Printer sharing?

Do I need to enable File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks across my network?

How do I enable the GPA Console to create the Local_GPOs share?

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0

NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.x


Group Policy Administrator does not require you to enable File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks across your network.  However, when the GPA Console accesses the repository, it creates a local file share called Local_GPOs in the C:\Program Files\NetIQ\GPA\bin\Local GPOs folder.  To enable the GPA Console to create this share, enable File and Printer Sharing on the GPA Console computer.

 For more information about the Local_GPOs file share, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB26659: What does the Local_GPOs share do in NetIQ GPA?.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB48907