How can I configure DRA to automatically populate the User logon name field when using the User Create wizard to create a new user account?
How can I configure DRA to automatically populate the Pre-Windows 2000 Logon Name field when using the User Create wizard to create a new user account?
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
When you use the User Create wizard in the Account and Resource Management console to create a new user account, the User Create wizard cannot automatically populate the User logon name field and the Pre-Windows 2000 Name field with a specified format. You must manually type a name in each field.
You cannot currently configure DRA to automatically populate the User logon name field and the Pre-Windows 2000 Logon Name field when using the User Create wizard to create a new user account.
Note: The request for this type of functionality is being considered for a future release, however, at this time there has been no decision made to include this feature.