How do I export the contents of the MigratedObjects table from the Protar.mdb database file?
How do I export migrated account mapping information out of the MigratedObjects table into a .csv file?
DMA 7.x
DMA 6.x
Use the following procedure to create a .csv file containing the mapping information from the MigratedObjects table.
To export your migrated objects mappings table from the protar.mdb database:
Log on to the DMA computer.
Start Microsoft Access.
Open the protar.mdb file, located in the
installation folder\NetIQ\DMA
folder.Click Tables in the Objects column.
Click MigratedObjects.
Click on File.
Click Export.
Specify where to save the file on the local computer, and then name the file with a .csv extension.
You can use the procedure in this article to import mapping information into another DMA console or to back up your mapping information.
For more information about importing mappings into a DMA console, see NETIQKB9719: How do I import mapping information for an existing source and target account into the migrated objects table in DMA using a CSV file?"