How do I prevent an email notification from being sent when a GPO is checked into the GP Repository?
There should be a way to override sending email notification when checking in a GPO.
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.6
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0
Suppressing email notification of GPO changes would be useful in situations such as someone checking a GPO back into the GP Repository before finishing changes to the GPO. Sending an email notification only after the GPO is ready for approval could help eliminate unnecessary emails.
How do I prevent an email notification from being sent when a GPO is checked into the GP Repository?
There should be a way to override sending email notification when checking in a GPO.
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.6
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 5.0
Group Policy Administrator (GPA) does not currently have the ability to override or prevent a configured email notification on an individual basis. The only way to stop email notification for a particular GPO change event, such as checking a GPO into the GP Repository, is to delete the notification setting.
An Enhancement Request has been opened with Development to include the ability to override email notifications in a future version Group Policy Administrator.
Suppressing email notification of GPO changes would be useful in situations such as someone checking a GPO back into the GP Repository before finishing changes to the GPO. Sending an email notification only after the GPO is ready for approval could help eliminate unnecessary emails.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB48762