NetIQ Analysis Center 2.x
Cannot see information before installation date in Analysis Center
Cannot pull up data that was taken prior to when I installed.
Historical data is missing.
Cannot pull up data that was taken prior to when I installed.
Historical data is missing.
To verify that the filter is set correctly and then process the partition:
- In SQL Analysis Manager, navigate to the applicable cube partitions
- Right-click the partition for the month that is missing data and select Edit. If the missing data is from reports that have the "UTC" check box selected, then go to the appropriate partition for the AMGeneric#UTC cube. If the missing data is from reports that don't have the "UTC" check box selected, then go to the appropriate partition for the AMGeneric# cube
- Click Next on each windows until you reach the last window titled Finish the Partition Wizard
- In the Finish the Partition Wizard window, click Advanced to display the filter. If the filter does not show something like "vFact.idLoad <= # and vFact1.idUTCDateTime between # and #, then copy the filter statement in the text box and send to Technical Support for evaluation. Do not perform the remaining steps until you hear back from Technical Support.
example: vFact1.idLoad <= 5424 - If the filter is as expected, then "CANCEL" the Advanced Settings window and "CANCEL" the Partition Wizard
- In SQL Enterprise Manager, navigate to the Management > SQL Server Agent > Jobs
- Disable the OLAP Processing job
- Once the job has been disabled, process the cube partition in SQL Analysis Manager by right-clicking the partition for the month missing data and selecting Process.
- After the cube partition has successfully completed processing re-enable the OLAP Processing Job
If this process does not allow the Cube Porcessing (OLAP Processing Job) to complete, contact NetIQ Technical Support and reference this article.
The ETL job executions were not processed in the OLAP database. If data exists in the Data Mart, you should be able to fully process the AMGeneric1 and AMGeneric1UTC cubes manually to get the data into the cubes for reporting. However, you must verify the filter for the cube partition is set correctly.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB48511