How do I remove entries from the Previously authorized computers list in the Deployment Wizard?
How do I delete items from the Previously authorized computers list in the Deployment Wizard without removing the machine from the database?
Security Manager 5.0
Security Manager 5.1
When an agent is authorized through the Deployment Wizard, the computer is added to the Computer table in the OnePoint database and the column name CustomData2
is changed to a value of 1.
To remove the entry from the Previously authorized computers list in the Deployment Wizard without removing the agent from the database, update the Computer table in the OnePoint database and change the CustomData2
value from 1 to either 0 or NULL.
To remove all entries from the Previously authorized computers list in the Deployment Wizard, run the following query using SQL Query Analyzer:
use onepoint
update computer
set customdata2 = NULL
where iscollector = 0