NetIQ Vulnerability Manager 5.0
NetIQ Vulnerability Manager 5.5
Error when using external authentication.
Error: '
User not authenticated.
Cannot log in.
Vulnerability Manager cannot verify the external source properties. If you use External Authentication, Vulnerability Manager requires accounts have the same name and case as the attribute specified in the external source.
For example, if you create an External Authentication Source for Active Directory with an attribute name of saMAccountName, the case of the account name you specify in Vulnerability Manager must exactly match that of the case in Active Directory. When a user logs in to Vulnerability Manager using an account set up for External Authentication, the case must be consistent. Unlike LDAP, which allows for a non-case sensitive username, Vulnerability Manager enforces case sensitivity on user names.
To verify external source properties:
- Expand Console Permissions in the left pane.
- Select Authentication Sources.
- Select External Authentication <source name> in the right pane.
- Click Edit.
- Provide valid binding credentials.
- Click Verify.
- After the external authentication source is verified, log in with the external account.