How do I register an iSeries agent with a different Core Services? (NETIQKB47605)

  • 7747605
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Oct-2007


How do I register an iSeries agent with a different Core Services?

How do I clear the Vulnerability Manager domain key on an iSeries agent?

Where is the iSeries agent domain key located?

VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 7.5

Vulnerability Manager 5.5


Some situations, such as disaster recovery, require you to register an iSeries agent with a new Vulnerability Manager Core Services. Before registering the agent with the new Core Services, you may need to clear the domain key on the iSeries agent. After clearing the domain key, end and restart the ZPSE subsystem and register the agent again.

The domain key is located in physical file PSEGUIDS in library PSCOMMON on your iSeries server.

To clear the domain key from the iSeries agent:

  1. At a command line, type CLRPFM FILE(PSCOMMON/PSEGUIDS) and press Enter.
  2. To end the ZPSE subsystem, type ENDSBS ZPSE and press Enter.
  3. To restart the ZPSE subsystem, type STRSBS SBSD(PSCOMMON/ZPSE) and press Enter.
  4. Register the iSeries agent in Vulnerability Manager again.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB47605