Error: 'Error changing the property 'AccountExpirationDate'. The attempted action violates the DS sc (NETIQKB47488)

  • 7747488
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


Directory and Resource Administrator 7.5

Error: 'Error changing the property 'AccountExpirationDate'. The attempted action violates the DS schema rules.'

Error when trying to set the account expiration to 'Never' for a Windows NT 4 domain user object.

This issue is caused by the Account and Resource Management Console sending the account expiration date in an incorrect format for a Windows NT 4 user object.


You can use one of the following workarounds:

  • Use the Web Console when setting the account expiration date to 'Never' for an NT 4 domain user object.
  • Implement a trigger to correctly set the account expiration value when resetting an account expiration in an NT 4 domain. A trigger called AccountExpire_NT.vbs is available on the knowledge depot to work around this issue. To implement the trigger, create an ActiveView that contains all the user objects from NT 4 domains. When configuring the trigger, associate the trigger to fire as a pre-task trigger with the UserSetInfo operation and set the scope to fire On objects defined by the NT 4 ActiveView. You can access the knowledge depot at the following location:

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB47488