How do I prevent the cloning of the Exchange 5.5 Extension-Attribute-10 property during a clone operation?
How do Exchange 5.5 properties differ from Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 properties?
How do I use a pre-task trigger to clear out properties values?
How do I modify the results of a UserCopy operation?
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Exchange 5.5 properties are not like Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 properties. In Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003, properties are an extension of user properties and can be defined in the CloneExceptions key--and are therefore excluded from cloning.
In addition, the Extension-Attribute-10 property, which is represented in the varset as In.MailboxProperties.Extension-Attribute-10, is not in the varset during the UserCopy operation. The property value is not changed during the clone operation, and therefore the client does not pass the information to the server. As a result, this information is not in the varset.
Workaround: To avoid cloning the Extension-Attribute-10 Exchange 5.5 property, use a pre-task trigger with the UserCopy operation to clear out this value. The following sample pre-task trigger provides an example of how to clear out the Extension-Attribute-10 during a UserCopy:
Function Main
' This trigger script performs the following task.
' This script is a pre-task trigger and can be associated with both UserCopy operations and sets the Extension-Attribute-10 to null during the UserCopy. ''
Main = False
sExt = ""
VarSet.Put "In.MailboxProperties.Extension-Attribute-10",sExt
Main = True
End Function