How do I specify an alternate hard drive for the Analysis Center Database and Cubes to be created? (NETIQKB47292)

  • 7747292
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 25-May-2011


NetIQ Analysis Center 2.x
Microsoft SQL Server


How do I create an OLAP relational database in a different location?


Analysis Center Database and Cubes are created during installation using the default SQL Server locations. To change the default locations, you must change the settings with SQL Server before you install Analysis Center. However, changing the default database locations in SQL Server requires rebooting the SQL Server. Plan these changes for a time when you can reboot your SQL and Analysis Services servers.

To change the default location for your database:

  1. In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, expand to your targeted SQL Server.
  2. Right-click Properties and select DataBase Settings > New Database default location.
  3. Change the value for both log and data to the new target location, for example, E:\MSSQL\Data.
  4. To change the default location for the SQL Analysis Services:
  5. In SQL Analysis Manager, expand Analysis Servers.
  6. Right-click AS Server name and select Properties > General.
  7. Change the parameters for the Data Folder and Temporary File Folder to the new target location, for example, E:\Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\Data.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB47292