How do I increase the amount of memory allocated for the VigilEnt Policy Center service? (NETIQKB47119)

  • 7747119
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 22-Oct-2007


How do I increase the amount of memory allocated for the VigilEnt Policy Center service?

What does a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError mean?

How do I prevent the VigilEnt Policy Center service from terminating?

VigilEnt Policy Center 3.x

VigilEnt Policy Center 4.0

VigilEnt Policy Center 4.1

Error: ' java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
<<no stack trace available>>
[ERROR] ThreadPool - -Caught exception executing, terminating thread <java.lang.OutOfMemoryError> '

The VigilEnt Policy Center service requires more memory than the 256 megabytes used by default. 


The following procedure uninstalls your VigilEnt Policy Center service and re-installs it with new memory settings you specify.

  1. Using a text editor, navigate to the following location:
    •  <installation directory>\NetIQ\VigilEnt Policy Center\bin\installVPCService.bat (On VigilEnt Policy Center 4.0 and later)
    • <installation directory>\PentaSafe\VigilEnt Policy Center\bin\installVPCService.bat (On VigilEnt Policy Center 3.x or an installation upgraded from 3.x)
  2. Locate the following line of commands:
  3. tomcat -install "VigilEnt Policy Center" "%JVM%" -Djava.endorsed.dirs="%JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS%" -Djava.class.path="%CLASSPATH%" -Xincgc ?Xms256m ?Xmx256m -Dcatalina.base="%CATALINA_BASE%" -Dcatalina.home="%CATALINA_HOME%""%CATALINA_TMPDIR%" -Xrs -start %MAINCLASS% -params start -stop %MAINCLASS% -params stop -out "%OUT_LOG_FILE%" -err "%ERR_LOG_FILE%" -current "%CATALINA_HOME%"5.

  4. Edit the installVPCService.bat file:
    1. Insert the following command on the line preceding the command that begins tomcat -install "VigilEnt Policy Center":
    2. tomcat -uninstall "VigilEnt Policy Center"
    3. Locate the following section: -Xms256m ?Xmx256m.
    4. Change both instances of 256 to the maximum memory, in megabytes, that you want to allocate to the VigilEnt Policy Center service.  For example, to increase the memory allotment to one gigabyte, change -Xms256m ?Xmx256m to ?Xms1024m ?Xmx1024m.
    5. Save and close the file. 

  5. Stop the VigilEnt Policy Center service.
  6. Run the installVPCService.bat file.
  7. After the installVPCService.bat file is complete, restart the VigilEnt Policy Center service.


A modified entry in an  installVPCService.bat file that allows the VigilEnt Policy Center service to use up to 1 gigabyte of memory:

tomcat -uninstall "VigilEnt Policy Center"
tomcat -install "VigilEnt Policy Center" "%JVM%" -Djava.endorsed.dirs="%JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS%" -Djava.class.path="%CLASSPATH%"  -Xincgc ?Xms1024m ?Xmx1024m -Dcatalina.base="%CATALINA_BASE%" -Dcatalina.home="%CATALINA_HOME%""%

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB47119