Error received when adding a SQL endpoint to an existing Windows agent. (NETIQKB47106)

  • 7747106
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 17-Oct-2007


NetIQ Vulnerability Manager 5.5

NetIQ Vulnerability Manager Agent for Windows 5.0


Error is received when adding a SQL endpoint to an existing Windows agent.

Error: 'Failed to get endpoint?s metadata.'

Error: 'no such object'.

You are attempting to add a SQL endpoint to a Windows agent prior to version 5.5.

To successfully add a SQL endpoint to a Windows Agent, ensure the Windows agent is version 5.5.  To resolve this issue upgrade the existing Windows agent to version 5.5, then add the SQL endpoint to the Windows agent.

With previous version of Vulnerability Manager (VM) 5.5,  the Windows, SQL, and IIS agents were independent. With the release of VM 5.5, the Windows agent now contains providers for SQL and IIS therefore there are no longer independent agents for SQL and IIS in VM 5.5.  Although VM 5.5 is compatible with previous versions of the Windows, SQL, and IIS agents, if you want to add a SQL or IIS endpoint to a Windows agent, that Windows agent must be a 5.5 agent.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB47106