How do I enable debugging for the common agent? (NETIQKB47010)

  • 7747010
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 27-Sep-2007


How do I enable debugging for the common agent?

How do I configure the common agent to provide more detailed logging information?

How do I turn debug on for the common agent?

How do I change the verbose level for the common agent?

How do I get troubleshooting information from the common agent?

VigilEnt Security Agent for Unix


To enable debugging for the common agent:

  1. Edit /etc/vigilent.conf to change the loglevel variable to a value from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest verbosity level.
  2. Run vsaunix/$OS/vsau/bin/stopca and vsaunix/$OS/vsau/bin/startca to implement the change.
  3. Run the jobs that you want to debug.
  4. Look in vsaunix/$OS/cmnagent/log/ to see the debug logs.
  5. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to turn the debug level off once you have completed troubleshooting. If you keep the verbosity level high, the file system will fill up.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB47010