Error: SID history cannot be updated for ...... The tool could not locate a domain controller for th (NETIQKB46645)

  • 7746645
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 04-Jan-2008


Domain Migration Administrator 7.x

Error: SID history cannot be updated for ...... The tool could not locate a domain controller for the source domain.


DMA uses Microsoft APIs, including the DsAddSidHistory API, which executes on the target DC rather than on the DMA console. The error indicates the target DC is unable to identify the PDC of the source domain.

To test if the target DC can resolve the PDC of the source domain:

  1. Identify the target DC DMA is using by locating it in the DMA migration.log file.
  2. Run the following command at the command prompt from the Target DC specified in the migration.log file:

where sourceDomain is the NetBIOS name of the NT domain or the FQDN name of the Windows 2000 or later domain.

If the connection to the PDC is unavailable, the NLTEST command may result in an error such as:
DsGetDCName Failed: Status = 1355 0x54b ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN


If the NLTEST command shows that there is a network issue, correct the network connection so the target domain DC can correctly resolve the PDC of the source domain.


You can also specify a different target domain DC that can resolve the source domain PDC.

To specify a different target domain DC, set the Options.TargetServerOverride value in the project database to the target DC you want DMA to use. For more information, see the following Knowledge Base article:

NETIQKB925  - Which Domain Controller does Domain Migration Administrator (DMA) connect to and pull the information from when doing a migration?


For more information on the Microsoft API DsAddSidHistory, please refer to the following Microsoft article:

Using DsAddSidHistory  -

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB46645