Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
Problem generating reports that use TEMPLATE - METRIC DATE[] .
The Analysis Center XSL that produces the RDL is hard coded to always use inches. You can modify the Report properties within SQL Reporting Servers to allow publication, but you may still encounter the SQL RS limitation of 160 inches width.
When creating a report, you could encounter the SQL RS limitations with the amount or number of contexts selected. That is, each context will use a default value of 1 inch. With the SQL RS limitation of 160 inches, selecting more than 160 contexts (with the default setting) could cause the report to encounter this limitation. The immediate workaround is to reduce the number of contexts so that the total space is less than 160 inches. Should you be using a smaller number of contexts that have a larger column width, you would need to adjust the column width or number of contexts accordingly.
Troubleshooting steps:
- The RDL can be retrieved using the ReportManager UI on the Report?s property page. Within the Report's property Page, go to the General tab and select the Edit link below the Report Definition text.
This will prompt for a file and path to save the report?s RDL. - If the report fails to publish, then the AC generated RDL probably contains an error that caused RS to reject it. In this case, run the following SQL Query within SQL Query Analyzer against the AC_Configuration database and forward the results to Technical Support:
select XML from rNQReport where idReport like 'template - metric date' - Typically, we would want to see the RS log files which will contain any AC data extension exceptions within the ..\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\Logfiles directory:
Example: ReportServer__04_06_2005_11_41_39.log
In the event the report is NOT generated, you should be able to use the following as a workaround:
- Create the Report within Analysis Center
- Adjust the column width within the Report itself - this may cause some values to be placed on a 2nd or more line
- Save the Report within AC
- Deploy the Saved report
Note: When deploying the report into SQL Reporting Services, these column width changes are lost unless the report is first saved with the changes intact.
The error, occurs when publishing to the SQL Reporting Services, and is most likely a problem with the report format when being converted into RDL to be viewed in the reporting services.
Problem with RDL transformation to SQL Reporting Services, as the overall width limitation in SQL Reporting Services is 160 inches.