How do I configure Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services to enable creation of temporary snapshots (NETIQKB46278)

  • 7746278
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 02-Feb-2011


Analysis Center 2.x
Microsoft SQL Reporting Services (SRS)


How do I configure Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services to enable creation of temporary snapshots?

Error: 'ReportingServicesService!library!16ec!3/16/2005-12:52:07:: Using folder D:\MSSQL\MSSQL\Reporting Services\RSTempFiles for temporary files.'

Error: 'ReportingServicesService!processing!16ec!3/16/2005-12:52:07:: e ERROR: An exception has occurred in data source 'DataSet1'. Details: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path D:\ .'


You can review the ReportServerService log file for Reporting Services (\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\LogFiles) to examine potential error messages.  Commonly, you will see a temporary reporting location error such as the above. 

Use either of the following procedures to enable Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services to create temporary snapshots.

Procedure 1

Modify configuration settings for temporary snapshots in the File Storage information (Reporting Services SP 1) section of the RSReportServer.config file.

  1. Using a text editor, navigate to \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\ReportServer.
  2. Open the RSReportServer.config file.
  3. Set the values of the WebServiceUseFileShareStorage and WindowsServiceUseFileShareStorage parameters to True.
  4. If you want to specify a different location for storing the snapshots, modify the value of the FileShareStorageLocation parameter.
  5. Save and close the file.

    WebServiceUseFileShareStorageSpecifies whether the Report Server Web service stores cached reports and temporary snapshots (created for the duration of a user session) in the file system.  Default: False
    WindowsServiceUseFileShareStorageSpecifies whether the Report Server Windows service stores temporary snapshots (created for the duration of a user session) in the file system. Default: False
    FileShareStorageLocationSpecifies a single folder on the file system for storing temporary snapshots.
    Note: Although the file supports UNC path, NetIQ Corporation recommends that you not enter a UNC path.
    Default: sc:\program files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\RSTempFiles

Procedure 2

  1. Using a text editor, navigate to \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\ReportServer.
  2. Open the RSReportServer.config file.
  3. Add parameter entries to the file, as in the following example. The new settings are in bold type.

    <Add Key="SecureConnectionLevel" Value="0"/>
    <Add Key="InstanceName" Value="MSSQLSERVER"/>
    <Add Key="ProcessRecycleOptions" Value="0"/>
    <Add Key="CleanupCycleMinutes" Value="10"/>
    <Add Key="SQLCommandTimeoutSeconds" Value="60"/>
    <Add Key="MaxActiveReqForOneUser" Value="20"/>
    <Add Key="DatabaseQueryTimeout" Value="120"/>
    <Add Key="RunningRequestsScavengerCycle" Value="60"/>
    <Add Key="RunningRequestsDbCycle" Value="60"/>
    <Add Key="RunningRequestsAge" Value="30"/>
    <Add Key="MaxScheduleWait" Value="5"/>
    <Add Key="DisplayErrorLink" Value="true"/>
    <Add Key="WebServiceUseFileShareStorage" Value="false" />
  4. Save and close the file.


Settings within the RSReportServer.config file are not allowing the temporary files to be created.

The setting may be enabled that allows Report Services to write cached reports to a file rather than writing to the Reporting Services database.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB46278

From the Reporting Services SP 1 Guide:

4.3.2 New Configuration Settings

SP1 Setup does not modify, add, or remove settings in your configuration files. However, SP1 does introduce new configuration options that you can use to change your Reporting Services installation. Each setting has a default value that is used by Reporting Services components. These values are specified in program files. You can use the default values that are provided, or add settings to a configuration file to specify different values that override the defaults.

The following configuration settings have been added in SP1 so that you can specify how temporary snapshots are stored. The report server adds temporary files as needed and then removes them when a user session or subscription process is complete. To enable this feature, you must modify configuration settings in RSReportServer.config. This feature is not enabled by default. By default, a report server stores temporary snapshots in the reportservertempdb database.

In addition to new configuration settings, a new system property (SnapshotCompression) has been added so that you can compress the snapshots before they are stored. Snapshot compression reduces the amount of space consumed by snapshots. Compressing snapshots also improves scalability if you have many users accessing report execution snapshots (you may encounter some performance degradation if you enable compression). Another reason for compressing snapshots is that it reduces contention issues in a report server database if you are deploying Reporting Services in a report server Web farm. For more information, see Report Server System Properties.