Directory and Resource Administrator Web Console does not recognize a domain name that contains the (NETIQKB46171)

  • 7746171
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


Directory and Resource Administrator 7.5

Directory and Resource Administrator Web Console does not recognize a domain name that contains the '&' symbol as part of the NetBIOS name.

Directory and Resource Administrator does not recognize the '&' character as a valid character.


This issue is addressed in NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator and Exchange Administrator version 7.5 Hotfix 46171.

Hotfix 46171 addresses an issue where the Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) Web Console incorrectly displays domain names containing an ampersand (&) in the list of domain names in the Change focus domain task. In addition, if you select a domain name with an ampersand from the list, DRA displays an error. Applying Hotfix 46171 ensures the Web Console correctly displays domain names with an ampersand and allows you to select the domain as the focus domain.

Note: This Hotfix requires DRA version 7.5.

To install this hotfix:

  1. Close all DRA user interfaces.
  2. Run the DRA75000_Hotfix46171.msi  file on each computer where you installed the Web Console.

This hotfix modifies the DraWCTaskEngine.dll file on each computer where you installed the Web Console. By default, this file is located in the Program Files/NetIQ/DRA folder.

For more information, contact Technical Support at

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB46171