How does the Unix task 'System files non-root ownership' work? (NETIQKB46159)

  • 7746159
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 10-Oct-2007


How does the Unix task 'System files non-root ownership' work?

When I use the 'System files non-root ownership' security check, what Unix paths are searched?

NetIQ Vulnerability Manager 5.5

NetIQ Vulnerability Manager 5.0


Default Search Paths
If you do not specify a search paths and leave the Parameter (ROOT) box blank, NetIQ Vulnerability Manager will search the following directories by default:

  • paths common to all platforms:  /dev /etc /root /usr /var
  • AIX:  /aix /audit /lpp /net /opt /sbin /web
  • HP-UX:  /bin /lib /opt /sbin
  • Linux: /bin /lib /opt /sbin
  • SunOS: /devices /net /opt /sbin /vol /xfn
  • FreeDSB: /bin /boot /sbin /stand
  • OSF:  /bin /lib /opt /sbin

Select Search Paths
If you enter specific search paths, NetIQ Vulnerability Manager will only search the paths specifically listed and will ignore the default paths.  Use a space delimiter between the paths:       /dir1  /dir2  /dir3

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB46159