The Web Console prompts for login credentials, but I cannot login to the web site. (NETIQKB46146)

  • 7746146
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 02-Oct-2007


Security Manager 5.X

The Web Console prompts for login credentials, but I cannot login to the web site.

HTTP Error 401.1: 'Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials after logging in to the web console.'

Permissions are not set up correctly for the OnePoint Operations and Reporting web sites or Internet Explorer is not configured correctly.


To set up permissions in a Windows 2003 environment:

  1. Open the Internet Information Services Manager using Administrative Tools.
  2. Expand your web server.
  3. Expand Web Sites.
  4. Expand Default Web Site.
  5. Right-click the OnePoint Operations web site.
  6. Select Properties
  7. Select the Directory Security tab.
  8. Click Edit under Authentication and Access Control.
  9. Clear all check boxes except Integrated Windows Authentication.
  10. Click OK to close the windows.
  11. Repeat steps 5-10 for the Reporting web site.
  12. Select the Web Service Extensions folder.
  13. On the right hand side, verify that the Status is Allowed for Active Server Pages.

To set up permissions in a Windows 2000 environment:

  1. Open Internet Services Manager using Administrative Tools.
  2. Expand your web server.
  3. Expand Default Web Site.
  4. Right-click the OnePoint Operations web site.
  5. Select Properties.
  6. Select the Directory Security tab.
  7. Click Edit under Anonymous Access and Authentication Control.
  8. Clear all check boxes except Integrated Windows Authentication.
  9. Click OK to close the windows.
  10. Repeat steps 4-9 for the Reporting web site

Configure Internet Explorer to help resolve problems logging into the web console:

  1. Add the Web Console server into the trusted sites zone.
    a. On Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options.
    b. Select the Security tab.
    c. Click Trusted Sites.
    d. Click Sites.
    e. Enter http://WEB name console in Add this Web site to the zone.
    f. Click Add.
    g. Click Close then OK to close the windows.

  2. Enable windows integrated Authentication:
    a. In Internet Explorer, click on Tools > Internet Options.
    b. Select the Advanced tab.
    c. Select Enable Integrated Windows Authentication (requires restart) under Security.
  3. Restart the computer.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB46146