Reports do not display under Completed Tasks in the Vulnerability Manager Web Console. (NETIQKB45805)

  • 7745805
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 07-Apr-2008


NetIQ Vulnerability Manager 5.0

Reports do not display under Completed Tasks in the Vulnerability Manager Web Console.

The Report display issue occurs after moving the VigilEnt database to a different SQL server. 

The issue involves a problem with the Vulnerability Manager (VM) configuration file, mk.options. The file was not properly updated after a VigilEnt database move or a SQL communication port change.


To change to the mk.options file after a database move or a port change:

  1. Verify that you have a good backup of the file before modifying the mk.options configuration file. 
  2. Open the mk.options file with a text editor.  By default, the file is located on the VM Core Server at <install directory>\Program Files\NetIQ\Vulnerability Manager\Core Services.
  3. Verify the server name and port number in the following line. 
    Note:database_server  equals the name of the SQL server where the VigilEnt database was installed.
  4. Replace the server name with the correct name, if the SQL server name where the VigilEnt database is located does not match this name. 
  5. Replace the port number with the correct number, if the port number that is now being used for all SQL communications does not match the referenced port number, e.g. 1433.
  6. Save the modified mk.options file.
  7. Stop and restart the NetIQ Vulnerability Manager Web Console service for the changes to take effect. 

For more information, contact Technical Support at

 For information on how to stop and restart a service, refer to NETIQKB25651

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB45805