How do I run a Policy Compliance report? (NETIQKB45655)

  • 7745655
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 18-Sep-2007


How do I run a Policy Compliance report?

How do I generate a list of users who have reviewed or read a specific policy document?

VigilEnt Policy Center 3.x

VigilEnt Policy Center 4.0


The Policy Compliance report contains details for only those users who have reviewed or read the associated policy document.

To run a Policy Compliance report:

  1. Log on to the Administration Site.
  2. Click the Compliance tab.
  3. Click Policy Reports.  VigilEnt Policy Center (VPC) displays the Policy Reports page.
  4. Select the desired policy from the Review, Published, or Archive tab, then click Report.
    • If the policy is on the Review tab, VPC displays the View Reports page so you can view the report.
    • If the policy is on the Published or Archive tab, VPC displays the Policy Reports parameters page. 
  5. In the Title field, type the name for this specific report or leave the default report title.
  6. In the Select Groups field, click All to run the report for all groups, or click the group for which you want to run the report.  To select more than one group:
    • To select non-consecutive groups, press CTRL then click each group.
    • To select consecutive groups, press SHIFT then click each group.
  7. In the Type field, select Compliance.
  8. Click Report.  VPC displays the Policy Compliance report in the View Reports page.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB45655