EM does not process subfolders when it encounters a MAPI_W_PARTIAL_COMPLETION error. (NETIQKB45541)

  • 7745541
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 17-Apr-2008


Exchange Migrator 2.x

EM does not process subfolders when it encounters a MAPI_W_PARTIAL_COMPLETION error.

Exchange Migrator did not migrate the contents of subfolders and reported a MAPI_W_PARTIAL_COMPLETION error.

Some of my subfolder contents were not migrated.


When Exchange Migrator cannot migrate the data, it logs a MAP_W_PARTIAL_COMPLETION error in the log file for the parent folder. After logging this error, Exchange Migrator does not migrate data into subfolders or write error messages to the log file for the subfolders. This results when Exchange Migrator encounters a MAPI_W_PARTIAL_COMPLETION warning in the parent folder, which may be caused by one or more of the following conditions:

  • Virus scanning software may be running at the same time as you are migrating a mailbox.
  • Mailbox size restrictions on the target Microsoft Exchange server may prevent a complete mail transfer.
  • The same Exchange Migrator console and target production environment is being used, but the source environment has changed from the lab environment to the production environment.


To resolve this issue, install EM23000_Hotfix45541.

After you apply the hotfix, when Exchange Migrator is unable to migrate data from an Exchange 5.5 mailbox parent folder to an Exchange 2000 mailbox parent folder, Exchange Migrator logs a MAP_W_PARTIAL_COMPLETION error in the log file for the parent folder, and then continues migrating data to subfolders.

If Exchange Migrator cannot migrate data from an Exchange 5.5 mailbox subfolder to an Exchange 2000 subfolder, Exchange Migrator logs a MAP_W_PARTIAL_COMPLETION error for each subfolder it cannot migrate in the log file.


For more information regarding the MAPI_W_PARTIAL_COMPLETION error, refer to the following knowledge base article:

NETIQKB1818 - Error: ' *++(8760) Warning - CopyMessages() return MAPI_W_PARTIAL_COMPLETION [HR=0x00040680]'

Hotfix 45541 also includes all the Hotfix issues from Exchange Migrator 2.3 Hotfix 4059139487, and 39162.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB45541