How do I find a list of all the mappings between Directory and Resource Administrator GUI properties (NETIQKB45487)

  • 7745487
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


How do I find a list of all the mappings between Directory and Resource Administrator GUI properties and Active Directory?

How does DRA associate DRA GUI properties with Active Directory?

How do I write an ADSI application using attributes from the DRA GUI properties?

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.5

You can find a list of mappings between Directory and Resource Administrator GUI properties and Active Directory in the GuiFields table of Schema.mdb. Schema.mdb is installed with the Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) Software Development Kit and can be found in the  Program Files\NetIQ\DRA\SDK\Doc directory.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB45487