No hosts are displayed when using DNS to show available hosts in the Unix agent deployment wizard. (NETIQKB45216)

  • 7745216
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 10-Oct-2007



NetIQ Vulnerability Manager 5.0

NetIQ Vulnerability Manager 5.5

VigilEnt Security Agent for Unix 5.0

No hosts are displayed when using DNS to show available hosts in the Unix agent deployment wizard.


The DNS host lookup used by the Deployment Wizard runs the following commands:

ipconfig /all               (on the Vulnerability Manager console computer)
        ls  -t  a  {domain name}

In the deployment wizard, the ipconfig /all command looks for all lines with DNS or Suffix in the ipconfig output. Then nslookup plugs that information into the {domain name} in the ls command.


Run these commands manually to verify that the ls command run through the nslookup utility returns host names. If it does not return host names, the deployment wizard will not return host names either. Contact your in-house network team to troubleshoot, or use the Local File or My File fields inside the deployment wizard to assign hosts.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB45216