Differentiate (Diff) or Compare report displays differences in the File and Registry sections when t (NETIQKB45043)

  • 7745043
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 17-Apr-2008


NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 4.5

Differentiate (Diff) or Compare report displays differences in the File and Registry sections when the GPOs are identical.

The issue is due to the Differentiate or Compare report not comparing the security of the file or registry settings of the Group Policy. 


This hotfix corrects an issue where NetIQ Group Policy Administrator (GPA) may not display differences to the File and Security Machine Security sections of a Diff report when using the table format.  If you are seeing unexpected results in the File and Security Machine security sections of a Diff report in the table format, apply this hotfix.

To install this hotfix, run GPA45000_Hotfix45043.exe on each GPA console computer.

This hotfix modifies the following files in the installation folders. By default, this folder is \Program Files\NetIQ\Group Policy Administrator 4.5:

* \Bin\XML\GpoCompare\faHtmlDiffSectionSec.xsl

For more information, contact Technical Support at www.netiq.com/support.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB45043