How do I remove or hide a default property page in a DRA wizard in the Account and Resource Management console or Delegation and Configuration Management console?
How do I remove or hide a default property page in the DRA Create User, Create Contact, Create Computer, or Create Group wizards in the Account and Resource Management console or Delegation and Configuration Management console?
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 8.0
How do I remove or hide a default property page in a DRA wizard in the Account and Resource Management console or Delegation and Configuration Management console?
How do I remove or hide a default property page in the DRA Create User, Create Contact, Create Computer, or Create Group wizards in the Account and Resource Management console or Delegation and Configuration Management console?
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 8.0
Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) does not currently have the ability to hide a default property page in the create object wizards in the Account and Resource Management console or Delegation and Configuration Management console.
An Enhancement Request has been opened with Development to include this functionality in a future version of Directory and Resource Administrator.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB44874