NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3
Discovery_SQL fails with Error 'Discovery is not Applicable'.
To save the sa password for the particular SQL server with the Save SQL password mechanism:
- Go into the AppManager Operator Console
- Pull down the Extension menu.
- Select Save SQL password.
- Select the appropriate computer name.
- Enter sa as the SQL login.
- Enter the SQL password appropriately.
- Click on Save.
- Go into AppManager Security Manager.
- Select the SQL server computer name which returns the error upon discovery of SQL.
- Click on the SQL tab.
- Enter the SQL sa password.
- Click logon.
Finally, if you are using the LocalSystem account on the NetIQ Client Resource Monitor and the Client Communication Manager (on the targeted Agent client), you must have the Builtin administrators group in SQL with permissions to the Databases. Otherwise, you must specify a valid Windows NT account as the service account with the appropriate database permissions.
Incorrect SQL credentials were supplied for the Knowledge Script.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB44784