Can the DRA 7.0 Account and Resource Management Console work with a 7.5 Administration Server?
Are DRA 7.0 and 7.5 components compatible?
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.5
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0
Yes, Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) 7.x console/server interaction has been designed so a 7.0 console can work with a 7.5 Administration Server and vice versa. However, some client side enhancements may not be available if you are using an older client to connect to a 7.5 server.
For example, in DRA 7.5 you can add custom UI Extension pages to show additional properties. If you use a 7.0 console against a 7.5 server, the custom pages will not display in the GUI since this is a 7.5 client side enhancement.
There is a known issue of using a 7.0 client against a 7.5 server. For more information about this issue, see NETIQKB46068: "Setting account expiration date in the ARM (Account and Resource Management) console or the Delegation and Configuration Console to "never" results in an account expiration date of December 1969 in native tools."