How does the netiqctrl job command determine which jobs are stopped? (NETIQKB44496)

  • 7744496
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 15-Feb-2012


NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager 8.0.x


How does the netiqctrl job command determine which jobs are stopped?
How does netiqctrl.exe verify what jobs are stopped?


All netiqctrl job commands query the Local Repository and possibly the log files of the NetIQmc, NetIQccm, and NetIQms services.  The job command does not query the QDB. 

Once a job stopped status has been sent to the QDB, the job will no longer appear in the Local Repository and therefore will not be reported by netiqctrl.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB44496