NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
SNMP Generic Toolkit 1.x
Discovery_Snmp Knowledge Script
Event: 'SNMP failed to discover any devices'.
Fewer devices discovered than were expected.
Fewer devices discovered than were expected.
Please see the appropriate section for the fix of your issue:
- Timeouts: Properly configure community strings. This can be done either through the Security Manager component of AppManager, or a single community string can be directly entered into the Discovery script. In the absence of any community strings, ?public? is used as the default. Configuring community strings is documented in the SNMP Working Smarter Guide PDF supplied with the release.
NOTE: SNMP Generic Toolkit 1.0 supports SNMP V1 and V2C, but does not yet support SNMP V3, in which community strings have been replaced with a login/password mechanism.
NOTE: If the NetworkDevices module is installed on the SNMP Proxy Agent, Discovery will attempt to utilize community strings configured for NetworkDevices in the absence of any other source.
For more details to resove the V3 issue, please reference the following article: NETIQKB49046 - Bad Host Names: The SNMP Proxy Agent on which the Discovery script was dropped is unable to resolve the host name to an IP address. If the host name is misspelled, correct it. If it is correct, try adding the domain name to the host name (e.g. ? host.company.com). If the problem is still unresolved, the network administrator will need to diagnose why the SNMP Proxy Agent cannot resolve the host name.
- SNMP Response Error: Some SNMP Devices return an SNMP Response Error if the community string is invalid. In these cases, refer to the fix for ?Timeouts? above. Otherwise, turn on SNMP Tracing by editing the Discovery script. The procedure for doing this is documented in the SNMP Working Smarter Guide PDF supplied with the release. All SNMP traffic between the Proxy Agent and SNMP Devices will be recorded in AppManager?s ?mctrace.log? file. If this information is insufficient to diagnose the problem locally, contact NetIQ support. Provide the exact script parameter settings used, the mctrace.log file, and an SNMP Walk of the associated SNMP Device.
- None necessary: when using IP Address Ranges timeouts are to be expected.
- None necessary: the SNMP Generic Toolkit 1.0 release supports a maximum of 50 devices per proxy.
Execution of the Discovery_Snmp Knowledge Script on an SNMP Proxy Agent
Timeouts: Review the detailed message for the event. If SNMP community strings have not been configured properly for the devices to be discovered, then the devices will not respond. The detailed message will state how many timeouts occurred and for which devices.
Bad Host Names: Review the detailed message for the event. If invalid host names have been supplied to the Discovery script, it will be unable to resolve the name to an IP Address. The detailed message will state how many bad host name errors occurred and for which devices.
SNMP Response Error: Review the detailed message for the event. The detailed message will state how many devices returned SNMP Response Errors and for which devices.
Use of IP Address Ranges: When using the IP Address Range script parameter, it is unlikely that each address in the range will contain an SNMP Device, resulting in timeouts for addresses where no device exists.
Timeouts: Review the detailed message for the event. If SNMP community strings have not been configured properly for the devices to be discovered, then the devices will not respond. The detailed message will state how many timeouts occurred and for which devices.
Bad Host Names: Review the detailed message for the event. If invalid host names have been supplied to the Discovery script, it will be unable to resolve the name to an IP Address. The detailed message will state how many bad host name errors occurred and for which devices.
SNMP Response Error: Review the detailed message for the event. The detailed message will state how many devices returned SNMP Response Errors and for which devices.
Use of IP Address Ranges: When using the IP Address Range script parameter, it is unlikely that each address in the range will contain an SNMP Device, resulting in timeouts for addresses where no device exists.
Discovery stops after discovering 50 devices.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB44237