Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0 SP1
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.5
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5
A 'Check Names' box appears when modifying a user's Exchange 5.5 Distribution List membership.
MAPI dialog calls used by Microsoft Exchange 5.5 are different than those used by Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) -- with Microsoft Exchange 5.5, the Distribution List names are "pre-resolved". This does not happen in DRA.
The MAPI dialog calls used by Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) are plain text and not "click-able".
Steps to reproduce and address this issue (For this example, you will first need to create a test user account):
1. Using Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Administrator, create two Distribution Lists with nearly identical names. The name length does not matter. For testing purposes, you can use 123ABC and 123ABCD.
2. Add both of these Distribution Lists to the test user account (created previously).
3. Using the DRA Delegation & Configuration or the Account and Resource Management console, double-click this test account and choose Exchange 5.5 Mailbox | Mailbox Properties | Distribution Lists.
4. Click Modify and add any other existing Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Distribution List to the Recipient List and click OK.
5. You will automatically be presented with a Check Names box to specify which 123ABC Distribution List already existed. It does not matter which one you select. If you click Cancel, you are just taken back to the ChooseRecipients window. If you select one of the Distribution Lists from the list, it successfully adds the new Distribution List.
An enhancement request has been submitted to Development for this issue.