Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Moving a user profile from one server to another takes a very long time to complete.
The user profile is very large containing either a large number of objects, a number of large objects, or a combination of both.
The share is not created until all the files and contents on the profile are successfully copied over.
The share for the new profile is not created on the target server until all files have been moved (copied) from the profile on the source server. If there are errors creating the new home directory, moving files or deleting the old home directory, the new share is not created. Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) determines if it can move the entire contents of the share to the new location before actually doing so. This is done during the copy process. If DRA encounters an issue with a file or folder during the copy process, it will abort the profile move. If the profile is large, this process can take a considerable amount of time.
You can check the Application Event Log for details on why a particular share move has failed if this occurs.