How do I use Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) to log off a connected user account?
Is there a "Log Off User" Power in DRA?
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 8.0
At this time Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) does not have a specific power for "Log Off User". However, DRA does have the ability to remotely shut down computers. If the name of the computer the particular user account was logged onto was known, DRA can be used to shut down the PC, thereby logging off the user. The ability to remotely shut down a computer can only be performed using the Delegation and Configuration (D&C) or Account and Resource Management (ARM) consoles. The Web console does not currently have the ability to perform this function.
To remotely shut down a computer, perform the following steps:
- Using either the D&C or ARM console, search for the specific computer object or perform a search on all computer objects to locate the specific computer.
- Select the computer object, right-click and select Start Shutdown.
- You can choose to begin the shut down immediately, schedule it for a specific date and time, choose to display a text message to the logged on user prior to shut down or restart the computer after shutting down.
If used in conjunction with disabling and/or deleting the user account, this is an effective way to immediately lock out a user from your network who is already logged in. Otherwise, you would have to wait for the user to shut down the workstation, log off normally or lock the workstation before the new security settings would apply.