What is the code to change the localization to a language other than English when customizing the Web Console using the SDK?
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
What is the code to change the localization to a language other than English when customizing the Web Console using the SDK?
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
To change the localization to another language (other than English), perform the following steps (For this example, the localization will be changed to Portuguese.):
- Find the Accept-Language key for Portuguese here:
- Copy C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\DRAWeb\WebConsole\BuiltIn\AppLanguageMappings.asp to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\DRAWeb\WebConsole\Custom\AppLanguageMappings.asp.
- Open the file with WordPad.
- Create a key in that file for the Portuguese language like this:
'Contains both Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese
'WebConsole.SetLanguageMapping "Portuguese", Array("pt", "pt-br") - In the AppMessages.asp and TaskMessages.asp files, define alternate messages like this (example from AppMessages.asp):
WebConsole.SetAppMsg "Portuguese", "WEB_CONSOLE_TITLE", "NetIQ DRA Web Console (in Portuguese)"
When a browser client logs in with the language key "pt" or "pt-br", the Portuguese version of the message WEB_CONSOLE_TITLE will display.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB43933