How do I modify the schedule when a Secondary DRA server imports the MMS from the Primary DRA server?
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0 SP1
Secondary Administration servers are unavailable during MultiMaster Synchronization.
Restarting the NetIQ Administration Service on the primary Administration server always forces a MultiMaster Synchronization to all the secondary Administration servers.
This issue is addressed in NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator and Exchange Administrator version 7.0 SP1 Hotfix 43921.
Hotfix 43921 improves client performance during scheduled Multi-Master Set (MMS) synchronizations and Administration server startups. This hotfix provides the following functions:
- Ensures the primary Administration server replicates only newer, updated registry entries across the server set.
- Allows you to control when the secondary Administration server applies the updated registry files.
With this hotfix, the primary Administration server no longer replicates all Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) and Exchange Administrator (ExA) registry settings by default. If your environment is large, requires frequent MMS updates, or is distributed across time zones, install this hotfix. This hotfix does not affect manual synchronizations initiated through the Delegation and Configuration console.
Note: This Hotfix requires DRA version 7.0 SP1.
To download and install this hotfix:
- Run the DRA70001_Hotfix43921.msi file on each Administration server computer. After install, the Administration server performs a full synchronization to set the registry time stamps.
This hotfix modifies the following files on the Administration server computer:
- Accounts.dll
- AccountsJobOperations.dll
- EaObjProv.dll
- McsServerOperations.dll
By default, these files are located in the Program Files\NetIQ\DRA folder.
For more information, please contact NetIQ Technical Support at
Warning: Using the Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. NetIQ cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Make sure that you backup your Registry prior to making any changes.
To have the primary DRA server only copy the replication files, and to not request the secondary to load up the files after the file copy:
- Open Regedit on each of the primary DRA servers.
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mission Critical Software\OnePoint\Administration\Modules\ServerConfiguration.
- From the Edit menu, select New | DWord Value.
- Enter the name as RefreshSecondaryOnReplication with a value = 0
- Restart the NetIQ Administration Server service.
To modify the timeframe of when the replication information will be loaded on the secondary DRA servers:
- Open Regedit on each of the secondary DRA servers .
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mission Critical Software\OnePoint\Administration\Modules\ServerConfiguration.
- Change PingMMServers.Freq and MmSecServerRefresh.Freq to a value of Daily 23:00 (or the desired time).
- Restart the NetIQ Administration Server service .
- Repeat for each DRA server in the MultiMaster set.
The functionality of controlling the replication file copy and the call to the secondary to load the files, as well as controlling the schedule of the MmSecServerRefresh.Freqjob on each secondary is available in the DRA 7.5 GUI.