NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
Diagnostic Console 2.1
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
Diagnostic Console 2.1
Error: 'You must use Discovery_NT to discover the target computer before you can perform diagnoses.'
AppManager has a replacement Knowledge Script for the Diag_StartCollectionNT KS.
Note: This KS has not been regression tested in all environments, and should be used to address this issue specifically.
To obtain a copy of the updated Knowledge Script, contact NetIQ Technical Support and reference this Knowledge Base article number.
- Copy the newly updated NT_StartCollectionNT KS to your Repository Server.
- Check-in the KS into AppManager.
- Verify the new KS was checked in:
- Click the DIAG tab within the Operator Console.
- Right-click on the KS.
- Select Version History.
- Uninstall the Diagnostic Console from the server that generates the error.
- Install the Diagnostic Console 2.1.
- Launch the Diagnostic Console on the targeted Server and allow the start up process to complete.
For more information about the procedure to install the Diagnostic Console 2.1, refer to this KB at: NETIQKB43824.
The upgraded Diag_StartCollectionNT Knowledge Script (KS) refers to objects no longer required within Diagnostic Console 2.1, specifically the NT_PhysicalDiskObj and NT_NetLanObj. If these objects are not discovered, the NT_StartCollectionNT KS may fail.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB43810
For more information about the procedure to manually check-in a KS, refer to this KB at: NETIQKB3082
For more information about the procedure to manually check-in a KS, refer to this KB at: NETIQKB3082